How to improve communication skills for Students

how to improve verbal & non verbal communication skills
how to improve communication skills in class
how to improve communication skills at home
activities to improve communication skills for students
games to improve communication skills for students


Last year I was doing a seminar at one of the colleges in Mysore regarding improve communication skills for students, and I was addressing around 300 or more students. The seminar was about the college-to-campus program. One of the students came up to me after the seminar and asked me, “Sharath, you told me a lot of things about communication, and we also know that communication is a very important skill, so my English is very bad, and improving my communication is the only thing that is important.

How am I going to improve it? and how it takes me on the journey of learning communication skills. How can I identify it day in and day out? How can I learn communication in my classroom? How can I learn communication at home, and how can I improve communication skills in my day-to-day life without sitting down and working for it?

But this was the question that was asked by a student, and it took me a very long time to write an answer for it because it was a kind of difficult question at that point in time, so I answered him, “Be a part of this 12-week program and you will learn a lot about communication skills, and hopefully you will learn about it.

” In fact, his improvement was so good that at the end he really mentioned that I learned what communication is all about, so I have used and given here the same framework of how I helped him and the entire batch in making them better communicators by taking advantage of the environment.

In the last 4 years, I have interacted with more than 1000 plus students and I have come across the major skill which is lacking is communication. The World’s most famous and richest man Warren Buffet in one of his interviews stated that the 1 skill which the young generation must learn is communication and that too effective communication that is the one and only skill which can make anyone survive in this world.

Effective communication is an essential skill for students to thrive academically and socially. Clear and confident communication helps students express their thoughts, collaborate effectively, and build meaningful relationships. In this article, we will explore various techniques and activities to improve both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. We will delve into enhancing communication skills within the classroom and at home, as well as present engaging activities and games that can aid students in developing their communication prowess.

Ways to Improve Communication Skills for Students

Improving communication skills requires a holistic approach. Here are some general strategies to enhance the communication abilities of students:

  • Practice Active Listening: Encourage students to actively listen, engage in discussions, and ask thoughtful questions to enhance their comprehension and communication skills.
  • Engage in Group Discussions: Organize group discussions or debates where students can express their opinions, develop argumentative skills, and learn to respect different perspectives.
  • Seek Constructive Feedback: Teach students to seek and receive constructive feedback to identify areas for improvement and enhance their communication abilities.
  • Public Speaking Opportunities: Provide opportunities for students to practice public speaking, such as class presentations or public speaking clubs. Regular practice builds confidence and improves articulation.

Improving the Vocabulary of Students

A rich vocabulary enhances students’ ability to express themselves accurately and articulately. Here are some strategies to improve students’ vocabulary:

  • Reading Habit: Encourage students to develop a habit of reading widely. Exposure to diverse genres and authors expands vocabulary and language proficiency.
  • Word Games and Puzzles: Incorporate word games and puzzles into classroom activities to make learning vocabulary engaging and interactive.
  • Word of the Day: Introduce a “Word of the Day” activity where students learn a new word daily and incorporate it into their conversations and writing.
  • Contextual Learning: Teach vocabulary in context, relating new words to students’ lives or current topics. This helps students understand word usage and meanings more effectively.

Improving Verbal Communication Skills

Verbal communication involves the use of spoken words, voice tone, and articulation. Developing strong verbal skills is crucial for students to effectively express themselves and engage in meaningful conversations. Here are some strategies to enhance verbal communication skills:

  • Active Listening: Encourage students to actively listen to their peers and teachers, focusing on understanding rather than simply waiting for their turn to speak.
  • Speaking Opportunities: Provide ample opportunities for students to speak in class, such as presentations, debates, or discussions. These activities promote confidence and clarity in verbal expression.
  • Vocabulary Development: Encourage students to expand their vocabulary through reading, word games, and learning new words regularly. A rich vocabulary enhances their ability to communicate their ideas accurately.
  • Practice Public Speaking: Engage students in public speaking exercises, such as impromptu speeches or storytelling. This helps build confidence, fluency, and coherence in their verbal delivery.

Improving Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Non-verbal communication involves using body language, facial expressions, and gestures to convey messages. It is equally important as verbal communication and can greatly influence how messages are interpreted. Here are some strategies to improve non-verbal communication skills:

  • Body Language Awareness: Teach students to be aware of their body language and the signals they convey. Encourage open and confident postures, maintain eye contact, and use appropriate facial expressions.
  • Visual Aids: Utilize visual aids, such as charts, diagrams, or gestures, to support verbal communication. This helps in reinforcing the message and making it more engaging.
  • Role-Play Activities: Engage students in role-playing exercises that require them to communicate non-verbally. This encourages them to be expressive, interpret body language, and understand the impact of non-verbal cues on communication.
  • Video Analysis: Show videos or recorded speeches to students, asking them to observe and analyze the non-verbal cues exhibited. This enhances their ability to interpret and respond to non-verbal signals effectively.

Improving Writing Communication Skills

how to improve verbal & non verbal communication skills
how to improve communication skills in class
how to improve communication skills at home
activities to improve communication skills for students
games to improve communication skills for students

Strong writing skills are crucial for effective communication in various academic and professional settings. Here are some strategies to improve writing communication skills:

  • Regular Writing Practice: Encourage students to write regularly, such as maintaining a journal, composing essays, or participating in writing competitions. Regular practice enhances writing fluency and structure.
  • Grammar and Punctuation: Focus on grammar and punctuation rules through targeted lessons and exercises. Highlight the importance of proofreading and editing to refine writing.
  • Clear Organization: Teach students how to structure their writing effectively, including the use of clear introductions, supporting paragraphs, and conclusions that summarize key points.
  • Peer Editing: Foster a collaborative environment where students can provide feedback on each other’s writing. Peer editing develops critical thinking and communication skills while improving the quality of written work.

Improving Communication Skills in the Classroom

how to improve verbal & non verbal communication skills
how to improve communication skills in class
how to improve communication skills at home
activities to improve communication skills for students
games to improve communication skills for students

The classroom environment plays a crucial role in fostering effective communication skills. Here are some strategies to enhance communication within the classroom setting:

  • Establish a Safe Environment: Create a safe and inclusive atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and sharing their thoughts without fear of judgment.
  • Group Discussions: Incorporate group discussions and collaborative activities into the curriculum. This allows students to engage in meaningful conversations, express their ideas, and practice active listening.
  • Clear Instructions: Provide clear and concise instructions, ensuring that students understand the task at hand. Encourage students to ask questions and seek clarification if needed.
  • Feedback and Reflection: Regularly provide constructive feedback to students regarding their communication skills. Encourage self-reflection, highlighting areas for improvement and celebrating progress.

Improving Communication Skills at Home

how to improve verbal & non verbal communication skills
how to improve communication skills in class
how to improve communication skills at home
activities to improve communication skills for students
games to improve communication skills for students

Improving communication skills should not be limited to the classroom. Parents and guardians can play a vital role in supporting and reinforcing these skills at home. Here are some suggestions for improving communication skills outside of school:

  • Family Discussions: Engage in regular family discussions where everyone has the opportunity to express their thoughts, share experiences, and actively listen to one another.
  • Reading and Storytelling: Encourage reading habits and storytelling sessions, where students can enhance their vocabulary, verbal fluency, and imagination.
  • Debates and Conversations: Stimulate healthy debates and conversations within the family, allowing students to express their opinions and learn to articulate their thoughts effectively.
  • Active Listening Practice: Encourage active listening by having family members take turns speaking while others actively listen without interrupting. This helps cultivate patience and attentiveness in communication.

Activities to Improve Communication Skills for Students

how to improve verbal & non verbal communication skills
how to improve communication skills in class
how to improve communication skills at home
activities to improve communication skills for students
games to improve communication skills for students

Engaging in activities can significantly enhance communication skills by providing practical experiences for students. Here are some activities to promote effective communication:

  • Role-Playing Scenarios: Assign students roles and situations that require effective communication. This can include scenarios such as customer service interactions, job interviews, or resolving conflicts.
  • Presentations and Debates: Organize regular presentations and debates where students can develop their public speaking and persuasive skills while communicating their ideas to an audience.
  • Storytelling Circles: Create storytelling circles, where students take turns sharing personal or fictional stories. This promotes verbal fluency, creativity, and active listening among peers.
  • Collaborative Projects: Assign students group projects that require effective communication and collaboration. This helps students develop teamwork, negotiation skills, and the ability to communicate ideas clearly within a team.

Games to Improve Communication Skills for Students

Games provide an enjoyable way to reinforce communication skills. Here are some games that can enhance students’ communication abilities:

  • Charades: A classic game that promotes non-verbal communication, as players act out words or phrases while others guess the correct answer.
  • Telephone: In this game, students sit in a circle and whisper a message from person to person. The last person reveals the message, highlighting how communication can be misinterpreted or distorted.
  • Two Truths and a Lie: Students take turns sharing three statements about themselves, two being true and one false. Other students must guess which statement is a lie, promoting active listening and critical thinking.
  • Pictionary: This drawing-based game encourages students to communicate visually, as they draw clues for others to guess. It fosters creativity, interpretation, and effective communication of ideas.

Professional Communication Skills

Proficiency in professional communication is essential for students as they navigate future careers. Here are some strategies to enhance professional communication skills:

  • Professional Emails: Teach students the basics of writing professional emails, including clear subject lines, concise messages, and appropriate language and tone.
  • Formal Presentations: Provide opportunities for students to practice formal presentations, emphasizing effective delivery, organization, and clarity of ideas.
  • Networking Opportunities: Encourage students to participate in networking events or engage with professionals in their field of interest. This promotes effective communication, builds connections, and expands professional opportunities.


Effective communication is a fundamental skill for students to succeed in various aspects of life. To enhance their communication abilities, students can focus on different areas. Firstly, developing professional communication skills prepares students for future careers. By emphasizing active listening, mastering professional emails, and practicing formal presentations, students can effectively convey their ideas in a workplace setting.

Secondly, improving writing communication skills is essential for academic success. Regular writing practice, attention to grammar and punctuation, clear organization, and peer editing all contribute to enhanced writing proficiency.

Additionally, expanding vocabulary empowers students to express themselves accurately and confidently. Encouraging reading habits, engaging in word games and puzzles, incorporating a “Word of the Day” activity, and learning vocabulary in context are effective strategies for vocabulary development.

Furthermore, general techniques to improve communication skills include practicing active listening, engaging in group discussions, seeking constructive feedback, and seizing public speaking opportunities.

By implementing these strategies consistently, students can cultivate strong communication skills that will serve them well academically, professionally, and personally.

Developing effective communication skills is vital for students’ personal and academic growth. By focusing on both verbal and non-verbal communication, providing opportunities for practice in various settings, and engaging students in activities and games, educators and parents can empower students to become confident and articulate communicators. With enhanced communication skills, students will be better equipped to express themselves, collaborate with others, and succeed in various aspects of life.

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